Stabilized wood

What is stabilized wood?

Stabilized wood is wood that has been impregnated with a stabilizing agent under vacuum pressure. Stabilizing wood makes it stronger and more durable. Stabilization can also be used to alter the color palette of the wood and enhance its properties.

What is wood stabilization?

In wood stabilization, air is sucked from the wood under vacuum pressure to allow the stabilizing agent to penetrate the wood's pores. Stabilizing wood can be used to dye it and also change its properties. Stabilized wood is also less susceptible to the effects of moisture.

What are the benefits of wood stabilization?

Stabilizing wood results in a lively color palette without the need to paint the wood's surface. In addition to coloring, stabilizing wood makes it denser and more durable. Stabilized wood is used in decorative items, knife handles, and now also as a material for wristwatches.